Nice Verdes, a musical duo, formed in 2003, embodies a unique blend of original and traditional folk music hailing from Cuba, Colombia, and various corners of the world. Their sound, characterized by the Cuban tres, accordions, guitar, harmonica, and vocals, radiates a sunny and uplifting ambiance. Venturing on a perpetual quest for fresh inspiration, they transcend conventional genres to define their own indie world folk music.
The duo's musical odyssey has graced numerous venues and festivals across Australia, Canada, Europe, Latin America and New Zealand. From the Cygnet, Yungaburra, and Nannup festivals in Australia to the Kispiox Valley, Mosaic, Woodstove and Cultivate the Arts festivals in Canada, Nice Verdes have left their mark on diverse musical landscapes. Noteworthy appearances include the UNESCO-declared festival ‘Encuentro Vallenato Femenino’ in Valledupar, Colombia.
With a discography spanning five albums, from ‘Succulence’ in 2008 to ‘Right Light’ in 2023, Nice Verdes' musical journey is punctuated by collaborative ventures with fellow musicians. Their passion for global collaborations mirrors their belief in celebrating unity amidst cultural diversity.
Embracing the ethos of community and equality, Nice Verdes finds solace in the jubilant atmosphere of parties and festivals. Their music resonates not only with diverse audiences but also with the spirit of inclusivity and camaraderie that defines their creative endeavors.